
I purchased a Demko orthopaedic bed after several months of severe back pain and sciatica caused by slipped discs and arthritis in my lower spine. I am an interior designer, so the style and design of the bed really mattered to me as well. We had been using the bed for over a month and my back was getting so much better, but I thought it must be the exercises the physiotherapist had given me to do. We went for a long weekend to Rome and in 3 days on the hotel’s bed my back pain and sciatica came back with a painful vengeance. One night back on our Demko bed, and the pain has all but gone again. The hotel bed was a well made base with a good quality memory foam mattress and memory foam pillows. It felt lovely and we slept well on it, except that it wrecked my poor back in the space of a few days.

I hadn’t been sure the Demo bed was helping my back so much, until I was away from it, but now I have pretty good proof that the Demko bed is doing something great in the sustainable repair and recovery of my back. I would like to state categorically that Demko haven’t paid me in any way to write this testimony!! In fact, I offered to write it without any mention of it from them! But when I find a product which works this well and looks this good too, I feel I want to share it!

It’s a huge relief to get my back into great health again and I can go to bed, sleep really well, and know that throughout the night my back is protected and supported in the most therapeutic way possible. Many thanks Demko!

Kate Watson, Kate Watson Interiors – London, United Kingdom

We’ve recently bought an organic mattress and the improvement to our sleep was noticeable after the first night. We are very satisfied with our purchase and wish we have ditched our memory foam much earlier!

Jake & Kathleen – London, United Kingdom

Demko bed helps me to sleep better. I like the adjustable feature of both the back and the legs. I’m very happy with the experience.

Cliff MacMaster – London, United Kingdom

Our bed was delivered to Paris couple of weeks ago and I can not explain how satisfied we are with it. My husband has been suffering from back pain for a couple of years and we have tried many different mattresses. After sleeping on the Demko Bed-System for a couple of weeks it already shows its health benefits. His back pain is decreasing and he can’t wait to get into bed each night. We only can recommend it to everyone! Merci beaucoup!

Christine Vecsey – Paris, France

Brilliant bed

J. Smith – Reading, United Kingdom

The best bed I’ve ever slept on. I only can recommend it to everyone. Great product!

Nathalie Marielloni – London, United Kingdom

We are truly satisfied with our new Demko bed. Very happy with our choice.

Laura Lashbrooke – Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom

I have been suffering from lower back pain for years and since I started using Demko bed it has been improving week by week. The service we received from Demko was also exceptionally professional. Many thanks

Tim Webber – London, United Kingdom

Medical Reviews

The qualities of the Demko Bed-System not only prevent the further deterioration of spine disorders but as prevention, they can make it impossible for them to appear at all. As a practising doctor who cures patients with locomotor diseases, I find the Demko Bed-System extremely good, both at the prevention of spinal disorders, and their regeneration.

Dr J. Baggio (Spine-Specialist, Head Physician)

  • Acute and chronic locomotor diseases
  • Pain in the vertical- thoracic- and lumbar vertebrae
  • Pain and numbness in the upper and lower extremities
  • Lumbago, sciatica, disc herniation and post-operative conditions
  • Vertebral and limb disorders
  • Joint pains, arthritis, osteoporosis, spinal injuries
  • Lower back and spinal pain
  • Insomnia, poor circulation and short of breath
  • Acid reflux and night-time heartburn

After permanent use of the Demko Bed-System in the above mentioned conditions the need for drug use, as supported by previous clinical surveys, has dropped considerably or even ceased and planned surgeries have become avoidable.

A. Tailor MD (Specialist in Neurosurgery)

The important effect of the slat base is that it is not only the load on the spine that will become more evenly distributed due to the plastic-dynamic support, but also the body stretches out length-wise, the spine stretches on the slat base.

Dr G. Sengey (Orthopedist)

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